Serving the Lord Jesus Christ

in the Conestoga area and beyond − since 1856

Invitation to Worship

Conestoga UMC is a friendly congregation in the beautiful Lancaster County community of Conestoga. Located just a few miles south of the city of Lancaster off New Danville Pike (Main Street, Conestoga), we welcome visitors, guests and new residents with warmth and enthusiasm.

Scriptural preaching, sincere prayers and heartfelt singing, all grounded on the presence of the Loving God in our midst, is the foundation for our ministry and worship. Opportunities for individual spiritual growth and fellowship are important ingredients in the life of our congregation.

Conestoga UMC is one of 76 churches in the West District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church. We support various denominal benevolence projects. Members of our congregation have faithfully served in the pulpit, on the mission field, and in parish and local community.

We invite you to share with us as we grow in love and Christian maturity. Our heritage is rich and our future is limitiless.

Come and join with us as we worship the Lord, grow in His ways and serve Him each day!