Our Community

We enjoy being part of the Conestoga community of churches. We share with other churches in combined Thanksgiving Services and Wednesday Evening Services during Lent and Good Friday. We also participate in Rawlinsville Camp Meeting and are one of thirteen founding RCM churches.

Free Community Meal

3rd Wednesday of each month
September – May

5:30–6:30 p.m.

Conestoga UMC, 71 Sand Hill Road, Conestoga, PA 17516

No reservation required
Just come as you are!

Good News Club
for Kids

We encourage volunteering in our local elementary school.

Trunk or Treat Nights

A fun, safe activity for us to welcome families for treats, hot dogs and beverages on Halloween night.

Summer Vacation Bible School

An annual week-long event for kids ages 4- 6th grade, held at our church. Several churches work together to have a joy-filled experience of sharing God’s love through songs, Bible stories, games, crafts and snacks.