Conestoga United Methodist Church Cemetery

 The historic burial grounds at Conestoga United Methodist Church include the final resting places of one hundred veterans, from every American war including the Civil War.

Veterans Roster for Conestoga Church Cemetery

Click to see a comprehensive listing (updated January 2023) for all the veterans who are buried in our cemetery. Row and Marker numbers are provided for each name, allowing you to easily locate the grave of each veteran.

Burial Plots Available

To purchase burial plots at Conestoga Unired Methodist Church Cemetery, please leave a message for John Zimmerman at
(717) 468-0625

Wreaths Across America

Conestoga UMC participated in National Wreaths Across America Day in 2021 and 2022. This annual event honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country with wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and 3,400 additional locations, including Conestoga cemetery.

Photographs follow from recent ceremonies