Mission Outreach

At Conestoga United Methodist Church we have a heart of giving to missions through monthly mission projects locally, nationally and internationally. We encourage hands-on mission work, like feeding the hungry and rebuilding and recovery projects such as the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM).

Click for more information on some of our projects:

Support of a UMC missionary in Tanzania doing the work of evangelism outreach

Read Rev. Mutwale’s February 2024 newsletter

CommunityAid clothing donations – neighbors helping neighbors

Church World Service ministry’s Blanket Sunday

Heifer International’s efforts to end hunger and poverty by supporting local farmers in 21 countries around the world

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) humanitarian aid to provide relief from hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and more

Souper Bowl of Caring’s work to mobilize young people to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities

Lancaster United Methodist Inner-City Alliance (LUMINA) outreach

Conestoga Area Food Bank’s work to serve hungry families in the Penn Manor School District