Our Vision

The mission of Conestoga United Methodist Church is:
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

In order to accomplish this mission:

  • We invite persons to experience Jesus Christ as savior in their lives in order to become his disciples.
  • We equip individuals through a variety of paths, including corporate worship, Bible studies, Sunday school, and times for prayer, to mention just a few.
  • Finally, we seek to send disciples out into the world in order to serve God in whatever mission field they find themselves.

We invite you to join us as we seek to fulfill this mission!

Conestoga United Methodist Church is a Christ-centered and Bible believing family that invites all people into fellowship, assists in spiritual growth, and is committed to sharing Christ’s love with everyone.

We seek to make our church a place where Jesus Christ is Lord and spiritual gifts are received through the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit is nurtured and spiritual armor is issued.

We want our church to be a place where young and old (in years and faith) are given the opportunity to encourage one another and enrich one another in matters of life and faith.